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Apostolic Succession


Apostolic Succession 

Brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church (ICAB)


On March 12, 1566, Scipione Cardinal Rebiba consecrated Cardinal Santinio


Who on September 7, 1586, consecrated Cardinal Benninio


Who on April 4, 1604, consecrated Cardinal San Vitale


Who on May 7, 1621, consecrated Cardinal Gaetani


Who on October 7, 1630 consecrated Cardinal Carpegna


Who on May 2, 1666, consecrated Cardinal Altieri


Who on February 3, 1675, consecrated Cardinal Orsini (Pope as Benedict PP XIII 1724)


Who on July 16, 1723, consecrated Prospero Lambertini (Pope as Benedict PP XIV 1740)


Who on March 19, 1743, consecrated Carol della Torre Rezzoni (Pope as Clement PPXIII 1758)


Who on April 26, 1767, consecrated Bernardinus Giraud (Cardinal 1771)


Who on February 23, 1777, consecrated Alexander Matthaeus (Cardinal 1770)


Who on September 12, 1819, consecrated Peter Francis Galetti (Cardinal 1803)


Who on December 8, 1822, consecrated James Phillip Fransoni (Cardinal 1826)


Who on June 8, 1851, consecrated Charles Sacconi (Cardinal 1861)


Who on June 30, 1872, consecrated Eduard Howard (Cardinal 1877)


Who on December 8, 1882, consecrated Mariano Rampolla Marchese del Tindaro (Cardinal 1887)


Who on October 26, 1890, consecrated Joaquin de Albuquerque-Calvacanti (Cardinal 1905)


Who on June 4, 1911, consecrated Sebastiao Leme de Silveira Cintra (Archbishop 1921)


Who on December 8, 1924, consecrated Carlos Duarte-Costa


Who on July 6, 1945, established the Catholic Apostolic Church in Brazil


Who on August 15, 1945, Bishop Carlos Duarte-Costa consecrated Salomao Ferraz


Who on May 29, 1951, consecrated Manuel Ceja Laranjeira


Who on August 15, 1965, consecrated Benedito Pereira Lima


Who on August 1, 1966, consecrated Jose M. Machado


Who on December 2, 1967, consecrated Oscar Fernandez


Who on April 29, 1969, consecrated Agusto Montez-Silvieri


Who on November, 1972, consecrated Gerald Gates


Who on February 3, 1997, consecrated Ronald D. Nowlan


Who on November 21, 1998, consecrated Paul Victor Verhaeren and Wayne Moore Hay


Who on April 19, 2003, consecrated Bruce D. Campbell


Who on June 2003, consecrated Shane Price


Who on 1 February 2005, consecrated Phillip Zimmerman


Who on 7 October, 2006, consecrated G. Peter Posthumus


Who on 14 April, 2007, consecrated Raelynn Fabick Scott


Who on 3 October, 2008, consecrated Marcis Heckman


Who on 30 January. 2010 consecrated John A. Bell


Who on 20 November, 2021 consecrated Lark J. Muncy

Who on 17 February, 2024 consecrated Thomas Tsakounis


Apostolic Succession of the Right Rev. Thomas Tsakounis

Jacobite (Syro- Malankara)


Peter, 38


Evodus 40


Ignatius I, 43


Aaron, 123


Cornelius, 123


Eodos, 142


Theophulus, 157


Maximinus, 171


Seraphim, 179


Astlediaes, 189


Philip, 201


Sebinus {Zebinus},219


Babylos, 237


Fabius, 250


Demetrius, 251


Paul I, 259


Domnus I, 270


Timotheus, 281


Cyrilus, 281


Tyrantus, 296


Vitalius, 301


Philognius, 318


Eustachius, 323


Paulinius, 338


Philabianus, 383


Evagrius, 386


Phosohorius, 416


Alexander, 418


John I, 428


Theodotus, 431


Domnus II, 442


Maximus, 450


Accacius, 454


Martyrius, 457


Peter II, 464


Philadius, 500


Serverius, 509


Segius, 544


Domnus III, 547


Anadtasius, 560


Gregory I, 564


Paul II, 567


Patra, 571


Domnus IV, 586


Julianus, 591


Athanasius I, 595


John II, 636


Theodorus I, 649


Severus, 668


Athanasius II, 684


Julianus II, 687


Elias I, 709


Athanasius III 724


Evanius I, 740


Gervasius I, 759


Joseph, 790


Cyriacus, 793


Dionysius I, 818


John III, 847


Ignatius II, 877


Theodosius, 887


Dionysius II 897


John IV, 910


Basilus I, 922


John V, 936


Evanius II, 954


Dionysius III, 958


Abraham I, 962


John VI, 965


Athamasius IV, 987


John VII, 1004


Dionysius IV, 1032


Theodorus II, 1042


Athanasius V, 1058


John VIII, 1064


Basilius II, 1074


Abdoone, 1076


Dionysius V, 1077


Evanius III, 1080


Dionysius VI, 1088


Athanasius VI, 1091


John IX, 1131


Athanasius VII, 1139


Michael I, 1167


Athanasius VIII, 1200


Michael II, 1207


John X, 1208


Ignatius III, 1223


Dionysius VII, 1253


John XI, 1253


Ignatius IV, 1264


Philanus, 1283


Ignatius Baruhid, 1293


Ignatius Ismael, 1333


Ignatius Basilius III, 1366


Ignatius Abraham II, 1382


Ignatius Bacalius IV, 1412


Ignatius Behanam I, 1415


Ignatius Kalejih, 1455


Ignatius John XII, 1483


Ignatius Noah, 1492


Ignatius Jesus I, 1509


Ignatius Jacob I, 1510


Ignatius David I, 1519


Ignatius Abdullah I, 1520


Ignatius Naamathalak, 1557


Ignatius David II, 1577


Ignatius Philathus, 1591


Ignatius Abdullah II, 1597


Ignatius Cadhai, 1598


Ignatius Simeon, 1640


Ignatius Jesus II, 1661


Ignatius Messiah, 1661


Ignatius Cabeeb, 1686


Ignatius Gervasius II, 1687


Ignatius Isaac, 1708


Ignatius Siccarablak, 1722


Ignatius Gervasius III, 1746


Ignatius Gervasius IV, 1768


Ignatius Mathias, 1781


Ignatius Behanam, 1810


Ignatius Jonas, 1817


Ignatius Gervasius V, 1818


Ignatius Elias II, 1839


Ignatius Jacob II, 1847


Mar Ignatius Peter III, 1872


Paulose Mar Athanasius (Kadavil Kooran) was consecrated on December 4, 1907 by Mar Ignatius Peter III - Patriarch of the Apostolic See of Antioch and the East. (Syrian Antioch Bishop of Kottayam and Metropolitan of Malabar / India ).


Mar Julius I (Antonio Francis Xavier Alvares) was consecrated July 28, 1889, by Paulose Mar Athanasius, under authority of Patriarch Ignatius Peter III to be Archbishop of the Latin Rite Independent Catholic Church of  Ceylon, Goa and India  


Joseph Rene Vilatte was consecrated on May 29, 1892 in Columbo,  Ceylon at Our Lady of Good Death Cathedral by Mar Julius I, under  authority of a Bull of Mar Ignatius Peter III, to serve as Archbishop of North  America.


Fredrick E. Lloyd, 1915. Consecrated by Vilatte as Bishop, later succeeded Vilatte as Archbishop.


Samuel Gregory Lines, 1923. Consecrated by Lloyd as Bishop.


Justin Boyle, 1927. Consecrated by Lines as Bishop.


Lowel Paul Wadle, 1940. Consecrated by Boyle as Bishop.


Herman Adrian Spruit, 1957. Consecrated by Wadle, Charles H. Hampton (Liberal Catholic) and H. Francis Marshall (Greek Melchite), as  First Bishop of the Church Universal.


Paul Michael Clemens, 1988. Consecrated by Spruit and W.  Blillinger, as Bishop of the Church of Antioch.


Joseph Philip Sousa, 1991. Consecrated by Clemens and Richard  Alston Gundrey, as Bishop of the Church of Antioch.


Willibrord Johannes Van Campenhout, 1993. Consecrated Autocephalous Bishop by Sousa. Bishop to the Christians of Saint John.


William Dennis Donavan, 1993. Consecrated by Van Campenhout.


Robert Joseph Allmen, 1995. Consecrated by Donavan. Presiding Bishop of the American Catholic Church. Later, Archbishop and Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Catholic Church.


Michael M. LaBrecque, 1997. Consecrated by Allmen as Bishop.


Francis Raphael, 1999. Consecrated by Allmen as Bishop.


Joseph Francis, 1999. Consecrated by Allmen as Bishop.


Phillip Zimmerman, 2004. Consecrated by Allmen as Bishop.


John Bell Consecrated by Zimmerman as Bishop, Elevated by Zimmerman as ArchBishop.


Lark J. Muncy, 2021 Consecrated by Bell as Bishop.

Thomas Tsakounis, 2024 Consecrated by Lark J. Muncy




 Apostolic Succession 

Old Catholic 


ANTONIO CARDINAL BARBERINI, as Archbishop of Rheims, 1657.


CHARLES-MAURICE LE TELLIER, succeeding as Archbishop of Rheims, November 12, 1668. He, in turn, consecrated in the church of the Cordeliers, Pontoise


JACQUES BENIGNE BOSSUET, as Bishop of Condom in Gascony, September 21, 1670. He was transferred to the See of Meaux by Pope Clement X, 1671. He, in turn, consecrated in the church of Chartreuse, Paris


JACQUES DE GOYON DE MATIGNON, Bishop of Condom, 1693. By order of Pope Clement XI, he consecrated at Paris


DOMINIQUE MARIE VARLET, as Bishop of Ascalon in partibus, and coadjutor to the Bishop of Babylon, Persia, February 12, 1719.In response to the appeals of the Chapter of the Old Catholic Church of Utrecht, he consecrated


PETRUS JOHANNES MEINDAERTS, as Archbishop of Utrecht, October 17, 1739. He consecrated


JOHANNES AN STIPHOUT, as Bishop of Haarlem, July 11, 1745. He, in turn, consecrated


WALTER VAN NIEUWENHUISEN, as Archbishop of Utrecht, February 7, 1768. He consecrated


ADRIANUS JOHANNES BROEKMAN, as Bishop of Haarlem, June 21, 1778. He consecrated


JOHANNES JACOBUS VAN RHIJN, as Archbishop of Utrecht, November 7, 1805. He consecrated


GISBERTUS CORNELIUS DE JONG, as Bishop of Deventer, November 2, 1805. He consecrated


WILLIBRORD VAN OS, as Archbishop of Utrecht, April 24, 1814. He consecrated


JOHANNES BON, as Bishop Haarlem, April 22, 1819. He consecrated


JOHANNES VAN SANTEN, as Archbishop of Utrecht, June 14, 1825. He consecrated


HERMANNUS HEYKAMP, as Bishop of Deventer, July 17, 1854. He consecrated


GASPARDUS JOHANNES RINKEL, as Bishop of Haarlem, August 11, 1873. He consecrated


GERARDUS GUL, as Archbishop of Utrecht, May 11, 1892. He consecrated


ARNOLD HARRIS MATHEW, as Regionary Old Catholic Bishop for Great Britian, April 28, 1908, at St. Gertrude's Church, Utrecht. He was elected Archbishop in 1911. He had been ordained to the Priesthood by Archbishop Eyre, at St. Andrew's Roman Catholic Cathedral, Glasgow, June 24, 1877. He consecrated


RUDOLPH DE LANDAS BERGHES, on June 29, 1913. He consecrated


CARMEL HENRY CARFORA, on October 4, 1916. Carfora was elected Archbishop of the United States for all Old Catholics. He consecrated


EARL ANGLIN LAWRENCE JAMES, on June 17, 1945. He, in turn, consecrated


GRANT TIMOTHY BILLET, on December 25, 1950. He, in turn, consecrated


NORMAN R. PARR, on October 23, 1979. He, in turn, consecrated


MAURICE DARRYL MCCORMICK, on July 14, 1991. He, in turn, consecrated


IRWIN R. YOUNG, JR., on September 21, 1997. He in turn, consecrated




BRUCE D. CAMPBELL on April 19, 2003, He consecrated


SHANE PRICE on April 19, 2003, He consecrated


PHILLIP ZIMMERMAN on 1 February 2005, He consecrated


G. PETER POSTHUMUS on 7 October 2006, He consecrated


RAELYNN FABICK SCOTT on 14 April 2007, He consecrated




JOHN A. BELL, consecrated on 30 January 2010. He consecrated


LARK J. MUNCY on 20 November 2021 

THOMAS TSAKOUNIS on 17 February 2024

Apostolic Succession 

Roman Secondary 


On March 12, 1566, Scipione Cardinal Rebiba consecrated Cardinal Santinio


Who on September 7, 1586, consecrated Cardinal Benninio


Who on April 4, 1604, consecrated Cardinal San Vitale


Who on May 7, 1621, consecrated Cardinal Ludovisi


Who on June 12, 1622, consecrated Cardinal Gaetani


Who on October 7, 1630, consecrated Cardinal Carpegna


Who on May 2, 1666 consecrated Cardinal Altieri


Who on February 3, 1675, consecrated Cardinal Orsini (Pope as Benedict PP XIII 1724)


Who on July 16, 1723, consecrated Prospero Lambertini (Pope as Benedict PP XIV 1740)


Who on March 19, 1723, consecrated Carol della Torre Rezzoni (Pope as Clement PP XIII 1758)


Who on April 26, 1767, consecrated Bernardinus Giraud (Cardinal 1771)


Who on February 23, 1777, consecrated Alexander Matthaeus (Cardinal 1771)


Who on September 12, 1819, consecrated Peter Francis Galetti (Cardinal 1803)


Who on December 8, 1822, consecrated James Phillip Fransoni (Cardinal 1826)


Who on June 8, 1851, consecrated Charles Sacconi (Cardinal 1861)


Who on June 30, 1872, consecrated Eduard Howard (Cardinal 1877)


Who on December 8, 1882, consecrated Mariano Rampolla Marchese del Tindaro (Cardinal 1887)


Who on October 26, 1890, consecrated Joaquin de Albuquerque-Calvacanti (Cardinal 1905)


Who on June 17, 1928, consecrated Josef R. B. Beckertz (Archbishop 1941)


Who on May 22, 1953, consecrated Henri Louis D'Autel (Archbishop, Lyon - 1966)


Who on November 10, 1964, consecrated Jean Balland (Archbishop, Lyon - 1978)


Who on March 19, 1969, consecrated Robert R. Johnson


Who on February 3, 1997, consecrated Ronald D. Nowlan


Who on November 21, 1998, consecrated Paul Victor Verhaeren and Wayne Moore Hay


Who on April 19, 2003, consecrated Bruce D. Campbell


Who on June 2003, consecrated Shane Price


Who on 1 February 2005, consecrated Phillip Zimmerman


Who on 7 October 2006 consecrated G. Peter Posthumus


Who on 14 April 2007 consecrated Raelynn Fabick Scott


Who on 3 October 2008 consecrated Marcis Heckman


Who on 30 January 2010 consecrated John A. Bell


Who on 20 November 2021 consecrated Lark J. Muncy


Who on 17 February 2024 Consecrated Thomas Tsakounis.




 Apostolic Succession 

Roman- Old Catholic


Peter, 38


Linus, 67


Ancletus {Cletus}, 76


Clement, 88


Evaristus, 97


Alexander I, 105


Sixtus I, 115


Telesphorus, 125


Hygimus, 136


Pius I, 140


Anicetus, 155


Soter, 166


Eleutherius, 175


Victor I, 189


Zephyrinus, 199


Callistus I, 217


Urban I, 222


Pontian, 230


Anterus, 235


Fabian, 236


Cornelius, 251


Lucius I, 253


Stephen I, 254


Sixtus II, 257


Dionysius, 259


Felix I, 269


Eutychian, 275


Caius, 283


Marcellinus, 296


Marcellus I, 308


Eucebius, 309


Melchiades {Miltiades}, 311


Sylvester I, 314


Marcus, 336


Julius I, 337


Liberius, 352 Liberius was expelled from Rome by the Aryan Emperor


Constantius, during his absence, the See of Rome was held by Felix II, who


resigned upon the return of Liberius from his two year exile


Damasus I, 366


Siricius, 384


Anastasius I, 399


Innocent I, 401


Zosimus, 417


Boniface I, 418


Celestine I, 422


Sixtus III, 432


Leo I, 440


Hilary, 461


Simplicius, 468


Felix III, 483


Gelasius I, 492


Anastasius II, 496


Symmachus, 498


Hormisdus, 514


John I, 523


Felix IV, 526


Boniface II, 530


John II, 535


Agapitus, 535


Sylverius, 536


Vigilus, 537


Pelagius I, 556


John III, 561


Benedict I, 575


Pelagius II, 579


Gregory I, 590


Sabinianus, 604


Boniface III, 607


Boniface IV, 608


Deusdedit {Adeodatus I}, 615


Boniface V, 619


Honorius, 625


Severinus, 640


John IV, 640


Theodore I, 642


Martin I, 649


Eugene I, 654


Vitalian, 657


Adeodatus II, 672


Donus, 676


Agatho, 678


Leo II, 682


Benedict II, 684


John V, 685


Conon, 686


Sergius I, 687


John VI, 701


John VII, 705


Sisinnius, 708


Constantine, 708


Gregory II, 715


Gregory III, 731


Zachary, 741


Stephen II, 752


Paul I, 757


Stephen III, 768


Adrian I, 772


Leo III, 795


Stephan IV, 816


Paschal I, 817


Eugene II, 824


Valentine, 827


Gregory IV, 827


Sergius II, 844


Leo IV, 847


Benedict III, 855


Nicholas I, 858


Adrian II, 867


John VIII, 872


Marinus I, 882


Adrian III, 884


Stephan V, 885


Formosus, 891


Boniface VI


Steven VI, 897


Romanus, 897


Theodore II, 897


John IX, 898


Benedict IV, 900


Leo V, 903


Sergius III, 904


Anastasius III, 911


Landus, 913


John X, 914


Leo VI, 938


Stephan VII, 928


John XI, 931


Leo VII, 936


Stephen VIII, 939


Maginus II, 942


Agapitus II, 946


John XIII, 955


Leo VII, 963


Benedict V, 964


John XIV, 965


Benedict VI, 973


Benedict VII, 974


John XIV, 983


John XV, 985


Gregory V, 996


Sylvester II, 999


John XVII, 1003


John XVIII, 1004


Sergius IV, 1009


Benedict VIII, 1012


John XIX, 1024


Benedict IX, 1032


Sylvester III, 1045


Benedict IX {Second time},1045


Gregory VI, 1045


Clement II, 1046


Benedict IX {Third time},1047


Damasus II, 1048


Leo IX, 1049


Victor II, 1055


Stephan IX, 1057


Nicholas II, 1059


Alexander II, 1061


Gregory VII, 1073


Victor III, 1087


Urban II, 1088


Paschal II, 1099


Gelasius II, 1118


Callistus II, 1119


Honorius II, 1124


Innocent II, 1130


Celestine II, 1143


Lucius II, 1144


Eugene III 1145


Anastasius IV, 1153


Adrian IV, 1154


Alexander III, 1159


Lucius III, 1181


Urban III, 1185


Gregory VIII, 1187


Clement III, 1187


Celestine III, 1191


Innocent III, 1198


Honorius III, 1216


Gregory IX, 1227


Celestine IV, 1241


Innocent IV, 1243


Alexander IV, 1254


Urban IV, 1261


Clement IV, 1265


Gregory X, 1271


Innocent V, 1276


Adrian V, 1276


John XXI, 1276


Nicholas III, 1277


Martin IV, 1281


Honorius IV, 1285


Nicholas IV 1288


Celestine V, 1294


Boniface VIII, 1294


Benedict XI, 1303


Clement V, 1305


John XXII, 1316


Benedict XII, 1334


Clement VI, 1342


Innocent VI, 1352


Urban V, 1362


Gregory XI, 1370


Urban VI, 1378


Boniface IX, 1389


Innocent VII, 1389


Gregory XII, 1406


Martin V, 1417


Eugene IV, 1431


Nicholas V, 1447


Callistus III, 1455


Pius II, 1458


Paul II, 1464


Sixtus IV, 1471


Innocent VIII, 1484


Alexander VI, 1492


Pius III, 1503


Julius II, 1503


Leo X, 1513


Adrian VI, 1522


Clement VII, 1523


Paul III, 1534


Julius III, 1550


Marcellus II, 1555


Paul IV, 1555


Pius IV, 1559


Pius V, 1566


Gregory XIII, 1572


Sixtus V, 1585


Urban VII, 1590


Gregory XIV, 1590


Innocent IX, 1591


Clement VIII, 1592


Leo XI, 1605


Paul V, 1605


Gregory XV 1621


Urban VIII, 1623


Innocent X, 1644


Alexander VII, 1655


Antonio Barberini, 1655. nephew of Urban VIII, was consecrated to the Episcopate under authority of the Bishop of Rome, by Bishops Scanarello, Bottini and Govotti. He was Archbishop of Remes 1657 until his death in 1671, and was made a Cardinal. It is from Bishop Barberini that the Roman Succession from Peter branches off from the Bishops of Rome



Michel le Tellier was consecrated by Barberini in 1668. He was confessor to King Louie XIV of France,  and a Jesuit Provincal.


Jacques Benigne de Boussoit, was consecrated by le Tellier in 1670 as Bishop of Mieux, France


James Coyon de Matignon, was consecrated by de Bousseut in 1693.


Dominique Marie Varlet, Consecrated in 1719 in Paris by Bishop de Matignon, assisted by the Bishop of Qubec and the Bishop of Claremont. He was named Coadjutor to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Babylon who died on November 20, 1717 and Bishop Varlet succeeded to the title. After a period in Persia at Schamake, he was susspended from office for alleged technical irregularities, including the confirmation of 604 candidates in Holland whom he had confirmed at the request of the Church in Amsterdam. The Dutch Church had been without a Bishop for 18 years as a punishment from Rome because the Dutch Church refused to cooperate in the persecution of the "Jansenists" in Holland. Following the election of


Cornelius Van Steenhoven to serve as Archbishop of Utrecht, the Primatial See of Holland, Varlet agreed to perform the Consecration, which he did on October 15, 1724, thus making Van Steenhoven the seventh Archbishop of Utrecht and canonical successor to Saint Willibrord, the British missionary who had brought the faith to Holland. In this consecration was born the Old Catholic Church.



Johannes an Stiphout (1745-1777)


Walter van Nieuwenhuisen (1768–1797)


Adrianus Johannes Broekman (1778-1800)


Johannes Jacobus van Rhijn (1797–1808)


Lambertus de Jong (1865-1867)


Willibrord van Os (1814–1825)


Johannes Bon (1819-1841)


Johannes van Santen (1825–1858)


Johannes Heijkamp (1875–1892)


Gaspardus Johannes Rinkel (1873-1906)


Gerardus Gul (1892–1920)


Arnold Harris Matthew was consecrated on April 28, 1908 by Archbishop Gul of Utrecht, assisted by Bishop J. J. Van Thiel of Haarlem Bishop N. B. P. Spit of Deventer and Bishop J. Demmel of Bonn, Germany to serve as the First Old Catholic Bishop of Britain.


Frederick Samuel Willoughby, 1914


James I Wedgwood, 1916


Irving S. Cooper, 1919


Charles Hampton, 1931


Herman A. Spruit. Consecrated by Lowell Paul Wadle, Charles H. Hampton (Liberal Catholic) and H. Francis Marshall (Greek Melchite), as First Bishop of the Church Universal. 


Paul Michael Clemens, 1988. Consecrated by Spruit and W. Blillinger, as Bishop of the Church of Antioch


Joseph Philip Sousa, 1991. Consecrated by Clemens and Richard Alston Gundrey, as Bishop of the Church of Antioch


Willibrord Johannes Van Campenhout, 1993. Consecrated Autocephalous Bishop by Sousa. Bishop to the Christians of Saint John.


William Dennis Donavan, 1993. Consecrated by Van Campenhout.


Robert Joseph Allmen, 1995. Consecrated by Donavan. Presiding Bishop of the American Catholic Church. Later, Archbishop and Presiding Bishop of the Reformed Catholic Church.


Michael M. LaBrecque, 1997. Consecrated by Allmen as Bishop.


Francis Raphael, 1999. Consecrated by Allmen as Bishop.


Joseph Francis, 1999. Consecrated by Allmen as Bishop.


Phillip Zimmerman, 2004. Consecrated by Allmen as Bishop.


John A. Bell, Consecrated by Zimmerman as Bishop. Elevated by Zimmerman ArchBishop.


Lark J. Muncy, 2021 Consecrated by Bell as Bishop

Thomas Tsakounis, 2024 Consecrated by Lark J. Muncy



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